Application for License


(a) Any adult, partnership, corporation, county, city, public agency or other governmental entity wishing to obtain a license shall fill out and file with the Department an Application Booklet (LIC 281A [12/96]), as well as submit to the Department the documents specified in Section 101169(d) below.

(1) Applicants for licensure of a combination center may file one application.

(A) Licensees requesting the addition of a toddler component to their preschool or infant care program shall submit an amended application consisting of an Application for a Child Day Care Center License (LIC 200A [12/92]); a program description; a sketch of the center showing where the toddler component will be located; a schedule for outdoor activities; and, if necessary, a fire clearance. The toddler program component is considered an extension of the preschool or infant care license.

(2) Each separately licensed component of a single program shall be capable of independently meeting the provisions of applicable regulations as determined by the Department.

(3) The Department has the authority to issue one license to a single program, or to a separately licensed component of a single program, that is located in multiple buildings at a common address.

(b) Prior to filing an LIC 281A (12/96) and the documents specified in Section 101169(d) below, the applicant shall attend an orientation provided by the Department.

(1) The orientation shall cover, but not be limited to, the following areas:

(A) How to complete the application process.

(B) Scope of child care center operation subject to regulation by the Department.

(2) A licensee applying for another child care center license need not attend another orientation within two years of completing a previous orientation.

(3) An applicant applying for more than one child care center license is only required to attend one orientation.

(c) The applicant/licensee shall cooperate with the Department in providing verification and/or documentation as requested by the Department.

(d) The LIC 281A (12/96) and supporting documents shall together contain the following:

(1) Name (or proposed name) and address of the child care center.

(2) Name, and residence and mailing addresses of applicant.

(A) If the applicant is a partnership, copies of the partnership agreement and all documents governing the partnership, as well as the name and principal business address of each partner.

(B) If the applicant is a corporation or association, the name, title and principal business address of each officer, executive director and member of the governing board.

(C) If the applicant is a corporation that issues stock, the name and address of each person owning more than 10 percent of stock in the corporation.

(D) If the applicant is a corporation, a copy of the articles of incorporation, the constitution, the bylaws, and the board resolution authorizing the submission of the application.

(E) If the applicant is a corporation, each member of the board of directors, executive director, and any officer shall list the name of all facilities which they have been licensed to operate, employed by or a member of the board of the directors, executive director or an officer.

(3) If the applicant is leasing or renting the premises of the child car center, a copy of the lease or rental agreement and the name, address, and telephone number of the property owner.

(4) The category of child care center to be operated.

(5) Maximum number of children to be served.

(6) Age range and the categories of children to be served including, but not limited to, children with disabilities and/or nonambulatory children.

(7) Hours or periods of operation of the child care center.

(8) Name of administrator.

(9) Information required by Health and Safety Code Section 1596.95(d).

Health and Safety Code section 1596.95(d) provides:

Disclosure of the applicant's prior or present service as an administrator, general partner, corporate officer or director of, or as a person who has held or holds a beneficial ownership of 10 percent or more in any child day care facility or in any facility licensed pursuant to Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 1200), 2 (commencing with Section 1250), or 3 (commencing with Section 1500).

(10) Information required by Health and Safety Code Section 1596.95(e).

Health and Safety Code section 1596.95(e) provides:

Disclosure of any revocation or other disciplinary action taken or in the process of being taken against a license held or previously held by the entities specified in subdivision (d).

(11) Name, address and telephone number of the city or county fire departments, the district providing fire protection services, or the State Fire Marshal's office with jurisdiction in the area where the child care center is located.

(12) A plan of operation as specified in Section 101173.

(13) Fingerprint cards as specified in Section 101170.

(14) Requests to check the Child Abuse Registry as required by Health and Safety Code Section 1596.877.

Health and Safety Code section 1596.877 provides:

(a) Prior to granting a license to, or otherwise approving, any family day care home, the department shall check the child abuse and neglect complaint records of the child protective services agency of the county in which the applicant has resided for the two years preceding the application.

(b) Prior to granting a license to or otherwise approving any individual to care for children in either a family day care home or a day care center, the department shall check the Child Abuse Registry pursuant to paragraph (3) of subdivision (b) of Section 11170 of the Penal Code. The Department of Justice shall maintain and continually update an index of reports of child abuse by providers and shall inform the department of subsequent reports received from the child abuse index pursuant to Section 11170 of the Penal Code and the criminal history.

(c) The department shall investigate any reports received from the Child Abuse Registry and investigate any information received from the county child protective services agency. However, child protective services agency information arising from a report designated as "unfounded," as defined pursuant to subdivision (a) of Section 11165.12 of the Penal Code, shall not be included in the investigation. The investigation shall include, but not be limited to, the review of the investigation report and file prepared by the child protective services agency that investigated the child abuse report. The department shall not deny a license based upon a report from the Child Abuse Registry or based on child abuse and neglect complaint records of the county child protective services agency unless child abuse is substantiated.

(d) On and after January 1, 1993, the department shall implement this section for records maintained by counties that have automated their child abuse and neglect complaint records on or before January 1, 1993. On and after July 1, 1993, the department shall implement this section for records maintained by all counties.

(15) A health-screening report on the applicant as specified in Section 101216(g).

(16) The processing fee for an application as specified in Section 101187.

(17) Water supply clearance as specified in Section 101172.

(18) Evidence that the applicant has posted signs at the entrance to the child care center that provide the telephone number of the local health department and information on child passenger restraint systems pursuant to Health and Safety Code section 1596.95(g) and Vehicle Code sections 27360 and 27360.5.

(A) The signs shall provide all of the following information:

1. Protect your child – it is the law.

2. All the information specified in Sections 27360 and 27360.5 of the Vehicle Code regarding child passenger restraint systems.

3. Call your local health department for more information.

Health and Safety Code section 1596.95(g) provides:

Evidence satisfactory to the department that the applicant has posted signs at the point of entry to the facility that provide the telephone number of the local health department and state all of the following:

(1) Protect your child – it is the law.

(2) All the information specified in Sections 27360 and 27360.5 of the Vehicle Code regarding child passenger restraint systems.

(3) Call your local health department for more information.

Vehicle Code section 27315(c)(1) provides:

As used in this section, "motor vehicle" means a passenger vehicle, a motortruck, or a truck tractor, but does not include a motorcycle.

Vehicle Code section 27315(d)(2) provides:

For purposes of this section the phrase, "properly restrained by a safety belt" means that the lower (lap) portion of the belt crosses the hips or upper thighs of the occupant and the upper (shoulder) portion of the belt, if present, crosses the chest in front of the occupant.

Vehicle Code section 27360 provides:

(a) Except as provided in Section 27363, a parent, legal guardian, or driver shall not transport on a highway in a motor vehicle, as defined in paragraph (1) of subdivision (c) of Section 27315, a child or ward who is under eight years of age, without properly securing that child in a rear seat in an appropriate child passenger restraint system meeting applicable federal motor vehicle safety standards.

(b) Except as provided in Section 27363, a parent, legal guardian, or driver who transports a child under two years of age on a highway in a motor vehicle, as defined in paragraph (1) of subdivision (c) of Section 27315, shall properly secure the child in a rear-facing child passenger restraint system that meets applicable federal motor vehicle safety standards, unless the child weighs 40 or more pounds or is 40 or more inches tall. The child shall be secured in a manner that complies with the height and weight limits specified by the manufacturer of the child passenger restraint system.

(c) Subdivision (a) does not apply to a driver if the parent or legal guardian of the child is also present in the motor vehicle and is not the driver.

Vehicle Code section 27360.5 provides:

(a) A parent, legal guardian, or driver shall not transport on a highway in a motor vehicle, as defined in paragraph (1) of subdivision (c) of Section 27315, a child or ward who is eight years of age or older, but less than 16 years of age, without properly securing that child or ward in an appropriate child passenger restraint system or safety belt meeting applicable federal motor vehicle safety standards.

(b) Subdivision (a) does not apply to a driver if the parent or legal guardian of the child is also present in the motor vehicle and is not the driver.

Vehicle Code section 27363 provides:

(a) The court may exempt from the requirements of this article any class of child by age, weight, or size if it is determined that the use of a child passenger restraint system would be impractical by reason of physical unfitness, medical condition, or size. The court may require satisfactory proof of the child's physical unfitness, medical condition, or size and that an appropriate special needs child passenger restraint system is not available.

(b) In case of a life-threatening emergency, or when a child is being transported in an authorized emergency vehicle, if there is no child passenger restraint system available, a child may be transported without the use of that system, but the child shall be secured by a seatbelt.

(c) A child weighing more than 40 pounds may be transported in the backseat of a vehicle while wearing only a lap safety belt when the backseat of the vehicle is not equipped with a combination lap and shoulder safety belt.

(d) Notwithstanding Section 27360, a child or ward under eight years of age who is four feet nine inches in height or taller may be properly restrained by a safety belt, as defined in paragraph (2) of subdivision (d) of Section 27315, rather than by a child passenger restraint system.

(e) Notwithstanding Section 27360, a child or ward under eight years of age may ride properly secured in an appropriate child passenger restraint system meeting applicable federal motor vehicle safety standards in the front seat of a motor vehicle under any of the following circumstances:

(1) There is no rear seat.

(2) The rear seats are side-facing jump seats.

(3) The rear seats are rear-facing seats.

(4) The child passenger restraint system cannot be installed properly in the rear seat.

(5) All rear seats are already occupied by children seven years of age or under.

(6) Medical reasons necessitate that the child or ward not ride in the rear seat. The court may require satisfactory proof of the child’s medical condition.

(f) Notwithstanding subdivision (e), a child shall not be transported in a rearfacing child passenger restraint system in the front seat of a motor vehicle that is equipped with an active frontal passenger airbag.

(19) Such other information as may be required pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 1596.95(h).

Health and Safety Code section 1596. 95(h) provides:

Any other information as may be required by the department for the proper administration and enforcement of this act.

(20) Evidence regarding the applicant's reputable and responsible character as required by Health and Safety Code Section 1596.95(b).

Health and Safety Code section 1596.95(b) provides:

Evidence satisfactory to the department that the applicant is a reputable and responsible character. This evidence shall include, but not be limited to, a criminal record clearance pursuant to Section 1596.871, employment history, and character references. If the applicant is a firm, association, organization, partnership, business trust, corporation, or company, evidence of reputable and responsible character shall be submitted as to the members or shareholders thereof, and the person in charge of the day care center for which application for issuance of license or special permit is made.

(e) The application shall be signed by the applicant.

(1) If the applicant is a partnership, the application shall be signed by each partner.

(2) If the applicant is a corporation, county, city, public agency or other governmental entity, the application shall be signed by the chief executive officer or the authorized representative.

(f) The application shall be filed with the Department's office that serves the geographical area in which the child care center is located.

NOTE: Authority cited: Section 1596.81, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 1596.81, 1596.83, 1596.856, 1596.877, 1596.95, 1569.952(a), 1596.955, and 1596.956, Health and Safety Code.

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