Issuance/Term of a License


(a) The Department shall issue a license to an applicant in accordance with the provisions of Health and Safety Code Section 1597.13 after a completed application has been compiled and upon determination that all licensing requirements have been met.

(1) Health and Safety Code Section 1597.13 states:

The department and any local agency with which it contracts for the licensing of day care centers shall grant or deny an application for license within 30 days after receipt of all appropriate licensing application materials, as determined by the department, after a site visit has been completed and the facility has been found to be in compliance with licensing standards. The department shall conduct an initial site visit within 30 days after the receipt of all appropriate licensing application materials.

(2) A separate license shall be issued for each component of a combination center.

(3) If the application is denied, the notice of denial shall include the information specified in Section 101205.

(b) Issuance of a license shall constitute written notice that the application is complete and has been granted.

(c) No limitation shall be imposed on the licensee or printed on the license solely because a licensee is a parent who has administered or will continue to administer corporal punishment not constituting child abuse, as defined in Penal Code Section 11165(g)or Health and Safety Code Section 1531.5(c), on his/her own child(ren).

(1) Whenever possible, the licensee shall not use corporal punishment on his/her own children in the presence of other children.

(d) Except for provisional licenses as provided in Section 101181, a license remains in effect until it is:

(1) Forfeited or surrendered as specified in Sections 101186 through 101187 and in Health and Safety Code Section 1596.858.

(2) Suspended or revoked as specified in Section 101206.

(e) As a condition of licensure, child care personnel shall complete health and safety training pursuant to Health and Safety Code Section 1596.866.

Health and Safety Code Section 1596.866 provides in pertinent part:

(a)(1) In addition to any other required training, at least one director or teacher at each day care center ... shall have at least 15 hours of practices practices health and safety training, and if applicable, at least one additional hour of training pursuant to clause (ii) of subparagraph (C) of paragraph (2).

(2) The training shall include the following components:

(A) Pediatric first aid.

(B) Pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR),

(C)(i) A preventative health practices course or courses that include instruction in the recognition, management, and prevention of infectious diseases, including immunizations, and prevention of childhood injuries.

(ii) For licenses issued on or after January 1, 2016, at least one director or teacher at each day care center…shall have at least one hour of childhood nutrition training as part of the preventive health practices course or courses.

(3) The training may include instruction in sanitary food handling, emergency preparedness and evacuation, and caring for children with special needs.

(b) Day care center directors… shall ensure that at least one staff member who has a current course completion card in pediatric first aid and pediatric CPR issued by the American Red Cross, or the American Heart Association, or by a training program that has been approved by the Emergency Medical Services Authority pursuant to this section and Section 1797.191 shall be onsite at all times when children are present at the facility, and shall be present with the children when children are offsite of the facility for facility activities....

NOTE: Authority cited: Section 1596.81, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 1596.72, 1596.73, 1596.81, 1596.858, 1596.866, 1596.95, 1596.96 and 1596.97, Health and Safety Code.

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