Director Qualifications and Duties - Mildly Ill


(a) In addition to Sections 101215, 101215.1, 101216, 101415 and 101515, the following shall apply:

(b) The director of a Level I or Level II child care center for mildly ill children shall, prior to employment, meet the requirements of Section 101615(b)(1) OR (2).

(1) Complete three postsecondary semester or equivalent quarter units in the identification, transmission, control and care of common childhood illnesses and communicable diseases at an approved or accredited college or university; and, as specified in Health and Safety Code Section 1596.866, complete at least 15 hours of health and safety training, including pediatric cardiopulmonary resuscitation and pediatric first aid.

(A) Notwithstanding Health and Safety Code Section 1596.866(a), the director shall complete 15 hours of health and safety training.

(2) Notwithstanding Sections 101215(h) and (l), physicians, physician's assistants, registered nurses and licensed vocational nurses who wish to qualify as a director in a Level I or Level II child care center for mildly ill children shall possess a current and active license issued by the appropriate State of California licensing board; and shall:

(A) Complete at least six postsecondary semester or equivalent quarter units in early childhood education or child development at an approved or accredited college or university.

1.This requirement shall not apply provided a fully qualified teacher as specified in Sections 101616.2(a) and (c) is on the premises of the center at all times.

(B) Possess at a minimum one year of experience in pediatric health care obtained within the last five years.

(c) Verification of licensure required in Section 101615(b)(2) shall be included in an employee's personnel file and shall consist of the following:

(1) A photocopy of the license; and

(2) Documentation of written or verbal contact with the appropriate State of California licensing board to verify licensure status.

(d) Original certified copies of transcripts verifying the completion of units required in Sections 101615(b)(1) and (2) shall be filed in an employee's personnel file.

(e) In a combination child care center with a Level I or Level II component for mildly ill children, a separate director is not required for the Level I or Level II component.

(1) The director of the combination center shall designate a fully qualified teacher as specified in Sections 101616.2(a) and (c) for the Level I or Level II component.

(2) The director of the combination center shall maintain ultimate responsibility for the Level I or Level II component and shall provide guidance and supervision to the fully qualified teacher designated for the Level I or Level II component.

(f) Notwithstanding Sections 101215.1(f), the following shall apply:

(1) When the director of a child care center for mildly ill children is absent, a fully qualified teacher as specified in Sections 101616.2(a) and (c) shall act as a substitute for the director.

(g) The director of a child care center for mildly ill children shall develop and implement a written training plan for the center's staff and volunteers.

NOTE: Authority cited: Section 1596.81, Health and Safety Code. Reference: Sections 1596.72, 1596.73 and 1596.81, Health and Safety Code.

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